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Nakia Venant: 14-year-old commits suicide while streaming on Facebook Live

Nakia Venant: 14-year-old commits suicide while streaming on Facebook Live

Nakia Venant, 14, broadcast her suicide on Facebook Live from her Miami Gardens foster home on Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017.

Nakia Venant, 14, broadcast her suicide on Facebook Live from her Miami Gardens foster home on Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017.

MIAMI GARDENS, FLA - Fourteen Naika Venant had begun to document her life. She wrote daily in a journal and was active on social media. But what she did over the weekend has shocked those who knew the petite teenager.

Police said she went into the bathroom in her Miami Gardens foster home and broadcast from Facebook Live from two long hours on Sunday.

Soon, while the camera was on and the audience was building, she fastened a noose from a scarf, fixed it around her neck -- and hanged herself.

Naika had been in the system for half her life, leaving her biological mother's home when she was 7 years ago, according to reports. She was her mother's only child.

“We are absolutely horrified and devastated by the news of this young girl's death,” Florida Department of Children & Families Secretary Mike Carroll said, according to the Miami Herald. “We will do everything we can to support this family and all those who cared for her as they begin to heal from this tragedy. We will conduct a comprehensive, multidisciplinary special review to examine this child’s history and the circumstances related to serving the child.”

DFACS was matter of fact in a letter of confirmation to the media, offering only the suicide death of “a child … in the care of a foster family.”

The girl's foster parents were asleep when Nakia decided to take her life. One of her Facebook friends who was watching the live feed called police -- but officers showed up at her house instead. Then the friend gave them the wrong address, according to the Herald. 

When they finally arrived at the scene, they found the girl hanging. Her live feed was immediately cut off.

“Naika was smart academically, loved to smile and [had] lots of charisma,” family friend, Gerta Telfort told the Herald.

"i have to bury my baby," Nakia's mother told the newspaper.


Leondra Foster: Woman, 32, trying to flee abuse dismembered in Brooklyn

Leondra Foster: Woman, 32, trying to flee abuse dismembered in Brooklyn

Takeisha Hughes-Coats: 26-year-old Washington, D.C. woman found dead

Takeisha Hughes-Coats: 26-year-old Washington, D.C. woman found dead